Welcome to the Consortium of College Testing Centers

About the Consortium

The Consortium of College Testing Centers (CCTC) is a referral service provided by the National College Testing Association (NCTA) to facilitate distance learning. The purpose of the CCTC is to make test administration services available to students away from their campuses, particularly at educational institutions. It is a free service for students or others who are seeking a professional location at which to take an exam. All participating test centers must be NCTA members in good standing and are expected to adhere to the CCTC guidelines. In addition the testing center must subscribe to and indicate compliance with the NCTA Professional Standards and Guidelines. Listings are only available to operational testing centers and not to individuals or other groups who wish to serve as proctors.

Finding a Participant

Participants within the United States: 0 in 0 states & districts.
Participants outside the United States: 0 in 0 countries.
Total Participants: 0 institutions.

Current & Prospective Participants

NCTA members can create or modify CCTC listings for their testing centers by clicking here. Prior to creating a listing, please review the NCTA Professional Standards and Guidelines and the CCTC Guidelines in order to verify that your center is in compliance with all requirements. Listings are free for collegiate member testing centers and may be purchased by corporate member testing centers. Non-collegiate members are not eligible for listing on the CCTC.


The National College Testing Association does not guarantee the quality of services provided by members of the Consortium of College Testing Centers and is not responsible for errors made in the administration of examinations. Examinees should carefully evaluate the site selected to ensure it is appropriate and must work out specific details of each administration with the selected center. NCTA reserves the right to refuse or remove a listing for any reason.